Emission chec

Slightly wormed up but still in open loop.
Warmed up engine, very good result for 200.000 kms vehicle.
In this case O2 and CO2 high as one of the cylinders receive no fuel it just produce O2 and CO reacts with it and make CO2.

Rich engine condition.
The catalytic converter is very important part of emission control, as it passes through it they convert itself from harmful gases to harmless, the only disadvantage of it as it has to be very hot to work for 100% and usually vehicle need to travel for 5-7 kms before it starts to work. So if people travel for 15 kms to work and back it only works half of the trip. With more technology cats are installed as close as possible to the beginning of exhaust to reduce heating time, but they still need some time and that is a fact!
Another thing is an Oxygen sensor, the most simple one had only 1 wire-signal for ECU, but now they can be found with up to 5 wires, usually one would be signal, second sensor preheat and two grounds for optimal sensor signal and preheat. This sensor tells ECU when ever engine lean, rich or stoichiometric .
This is great news, this is exactly what i was looking for. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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